Friday July 20, 2012 - The time in the region: Home
En Inglés | Nota publicada el 01/03/2012 - 14:36 hs.

International Media Mission to Nepal concluded

The International Fact finding and Advocacy Media Mission to Nepal has concluded with a joint statement by the participating agencies calling for legal and policy reforms at par with international standards and safety of media workers.

The International Fact finding and Advocacy Media Mission to Nepal has concluded with a joint statement by the participating agencies calling for legal and policy reforms at par with international standards and safety of media workers.

The Mission has taken place at a crucial juncture in the constitution making process of Nepal. It has renewed its recognition and demand for a comprehensive and progressive media policy that is non discriminatory in relation to all media.

AMARC along with 18 other media and advocacy institutions participated in the Media Mission. Ashish Sen, President of AMARC Asia Pacific and Damian Loreti, constitution and media law expert from AMARC Argentina, participated in the mission.

AMARC will be working with the community radio sector of Nepal, the mission members, and donor organizations in implementing the recommendations of the Mission, including advocacy for an inclusive media policy and capacity building of local broadcasters on safety and human rights issues.

AMARC is an international non-governmental organization serving the community radio movement in over 110 countries, and advocating for the right to communicate at the international, national, local and neighbourhood levels. AMARC has an International Secretariat in Montreal. It has regional sections in Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.(AMARC/PÚLSAR)

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