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Quienes Somos | Nota publicada el 17/07/2010 - 19:19 hs.

Púlsar Informative Agency
About Us

Púlsar Informative Agency is an intitiative of the World Association of Community Radios – Latin America and the Caribbean (AMARC-ALC) for the democratization of communications.

Púlsar is an agency of radio news. Its objective is to facilitate community radio stations’ access to reliable, relevant and radio-worthy information though a proposal that unites the radio with new technologies.

Born in 1995, Púlsar was thought from the beginning to be an agency with a Latin American outlook. News for radios, from Latin America and for Latin America, from community radios and for community radios.

The activity of the agency includes constant, daily updates of the website. Additionally, three daily mailouts are sent to subscribers. The first is a summary of the main news stories of the day in the Latin American media, followed by a panorama of the news, and finally a panorama and the daily radio news programme.

As well as the radio writing – texts to be read on air – many of the stories are accompanied by audios ready to be transmitted on air. This is where the difference lies between Púlsar and other agencies.

Púlsar works with correspondents in different countries in the region and with a Network of Correspondents who work in the field of human rights.

Since its birth, the agency has given priority to a plethora of themes that have consolidated its informative aim: action and reflection of social movements in Latin America; defense of human rights; protection of the environment and common goods; regional integration of nations and people; the right to comunícate as a human right; economic inequality; peace processes; the militarization of the continent; the North-South regional imbalance; gender inequality; problems of indigenous communities; consequences of neoliberal policies and free trade agreements; poverty; situation of migrants; proposals of organizad civil society; trade union conflicts.

Púlsar takes on this agenda as a permanent challenge of balancing news about local facts – generally undercovered – with big nacional and regional events – which involve institutionalized players who are publically known.

Púlsar’s agenda is independent of economic or business interests.

The coordination of the agency is currently run from the office in Buenos Aires.

•General Coordinator:
Alejandro Linares

Guadalupe Fernandez
Alejandro Linares
Facundo Acuña

•Informativo Púlsar:
Voice and editing: Rodrigo Tornero
Voice: Flavia Medici

•Network of correspondents:
Liuza Cilente (Brazil)
Alejandro Montaño (Mexico)
Estela Sellanes Curbelo (Southern Cone)
Francisco Chiacchietta (Southern Cone)

Púlsar Brazil:

Andreas Behn

Andreas Behn
Fausto Oliveira
Luiza Cilente
Gilka Resende
Vitor Munhoz
Sheila Jacob
Lívia Duarte

•Webmaster and design:
Ernesto Amor

For more information or to get in touch, email us at

Translations of Púlsar′s news by


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We thank you for citing the source.



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((( Radios en vivo )))
Golpe institucional en Paraguay

Cobertura especial RIO+20

Voces indígenas en Bolivia

Movilización x la educación en Chile

Informes Especiales

Coberturas Especiales

Diarios del Día

Ultimos audios

Archivo de notas

Suscripción gratuita por e-mail

Días de Radio

Panorama radiofónico
Jueves 19 de julio
En esta edición:
MERCOSUR y Unión Europea suspenden negociaciones por crisis paraguaya. Continúa el conflicto en el departamento del Cauca. En México, denuncian uso de recursos ilícitos en campaña presidencial de Peña Nieto. Argentina y Bolivia afianzan alianza comercial.

7 min. 17 seg. (6,67 Mb.) bajar mp3

Miércoles 18 de julio
En esta edición:
Desalojo ordenado por Presidente colombiano deja 26 indígenas heridos. Gobierno paraguayo niega voto directo para elecciones de 2013.

5 min. 24 seg. (4,95 Kb.) bajar mp3

Martes 17 de julio
En esta edición:
Indígenas del Cauca aguardan el retiro de actores armados de su territorio. Europarlamentarios se reúnen con organizaciones sociales paraguayas. Cristina Fernández y Evo Morales revisarán la agenda bilateral.

9 min. 26 seg. (8,64 Mb.) bajar mp3

Lunes 16 de julio
En esta edición:
Organizaciones sociales exigen la nulidad del juicio político contra Lugo. Mexicanos realizarán jornada contra la “imposición presidencial”. La Vía Campesina en Haití resiste las semillas de Monsanto.

9 min. 03 seg. (8,29 Mb.) bajar mp3