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En Inglés | Nota publicada el 15/02/2012 - 18:11 hs.

Human Rights Groups Blame the UN for Cholera Epidemic in Haiti

Human rights organizations in Haiti and the United States demanded the UN Security Council take responsibility for the spread of cholera in the Caribbean nation.

They claim the cholera epidemic was introduced into Haiti by Nepalese troops belonging to the United Nations Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH).

A technical report commissioned by the UN confirmed the allegations. According to the report, the cause of the disease spread was a sewage spill produced by the Nepalese contingent. More than 7,000 people lost their lives because of the epidemic, while around 1.5 million people got infected with the bacterium.

The request was made during of a visit by a delegation of the Security Council of the United Nations (UN) to Haiti.

The United Nations blamed a “confluence of factors” for the spread of the disease. Among them, poor health and sanitation.

Additionally, the International Lawyers Association (BAI after its name in French) and the Institute for Justice (IJDH) and Democracy in Haiti presented a letter of complaint to the UN Security Council.

A complaint has been filed to assess the damage to Haiti given the loss of lives of many Haitian people and, finally, to the multinational organization’s reputation itself.

The UN released a statement that said the Security Council delegation will further assess implementations of the resolutions related to the MINUSTAH.

The UN Security Council delegation visit is intended to assess the situation in the Caribbean country, together with local authorities and representatives of political, economic and humanitarian groups.

The commission will remain in the country for four days. Its members have already met with the prime minister of the nation, Gary Conille.

The mission is also scheduled to meet up with Haitian President Michel Martelly before visiting a refugee camp—a medical centre which specialises in curing people affected by cholera and the surrounding areas devastated by the earthquake in January 2010.(PÚLSAR)

Translation by Lillo Montalto Monella
Translations of Púlsar′s news by


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