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En Inglés | Nota publicada el 31/01/2012 - 12:46 hs.

Francisco Figueroa: “This struggle is not won from one year to the next”

The member of the Students Federation of the University of Chile, Francisco Figueroa, carried out an evaluation and analysed the current reality of the Chilean student movement during his participation in the Themed Social Forum in Porto Alegre.

Figueroa highlighted that the student movement had managed to get Chilean society to believe once again in collective organisation.

At the same time, he assessed that the movement had shed light on the crisis in the Chilean education system.

However, the student leader expressed that the movement had not achieved concrete changes in State policies related to education.

As such, he called for the organisation in 2012 of a "integral protest for reform" which would be "capable of breaking the lines of the traditional political class".

He also manifested the need to renew the forms of mobilisation of students so as not to lose the support of the Chilean citizen.

In this sense, the university leader explained that popular adhesion had been produced due to discontent in society with the political system in the country.

At the same time, he mentioned the rejection of the "privatization of the conditions of life" as another factor in the social support of the student movement.

Beyond this support, Francisco Figueroa highlighted the difficulties that exist so that social demands are transformed into State policies.

According to the student leader, this happens despite the lack of credibility that runs through the Chilean political class.

Finally, he stated that government attempts to wear down the student protest would only "increase the magnitude of the next social explosion".

al/ea (Porto Alegre)
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