Friday July 20, 2012 - The time in the region: Home
En Inglés | Nota publicada el 27/01/2012 - 23:36 hs.

“The Eco ‘92 with the biggest robbery in history until now”

So declared the director of the ETC group, Pat Mooney, during a debate on eco-socialism in the Themed Social Forum (TSF). In this way, he warned that Rio + 20 would make room for the appropriation of the biodiversity to generate more profits.


The Canadian investigator named the signatories in an agreement between the governments of the countries of the south and north, which would allow all the biodiversity of Latin America to belong to central nations.

It is worth saying that Eco ‘92 was the first United Nations Conference on the Environment. The said encounter took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

This Brazilian city will play host to a second summit in 2012: the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio + 20.

Pat Mooney also criticised the idea of the “green economy”. This concept is used by the majority of the nations that will participate in Rio + 20. According to Mooney, “green economy refers to the economic control of nature”.

Additionally, he affirmed that the in accord which will be developed in Rio + 20, corporations will take into account that part of the current biodiversity could also have commercial value.

In this sense, Mooney explained that biological material extracted from nature can be transformed into merchandise today using biotechnology.

This technological development guarantees, for example, the transformation of cellulose extracted from trees into bio-electricity, bio-energy, plastic and even foods.

In the same debate, Frenchman Christopher Aguiton, from the organisation ATTAC, underlined that the fight against the climate crisis is divided in different political orientations.

He also highlighted that since the 60s there has been a new anti-capitalist perspective, which separates the changes into individual and collective practices.

In this sense, the exhibitors highlighted the importance of understanding to the material and immaterial consumer goods that should be managed collectively for a new economy administrated for the population. (PÚLSAR)

lc/al (Porto Alegre)
Translations of Púlsar′s news by

Audios disponibles:

Pat Mooney, ETC Group. (green economy)
 33 seg. (520 Kb.) archivo mp3

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