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En Inglés | Nota publicada el 27/01/2012 - 23:34 hs.

“Regulation of the financial sector is a moral and ethical”

So stated Manuel Manonelles, in the World Forum of Civil Society Networks, UBUNTU. It was during his analysis of the interference of financial activity in the food ambit.


Manonelles participated in the debate panel called “Food Sovereignty and Global Democracy”. It was during the new day of the Themed Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

The Spanish activist signalled that “the financial market could provoke increases in prices in primary materials and as a result generate situations of food crisis.”

Facing this situation, he asked “to apply the necessary regulations so this distortionary element of the financial market does not end up affecting people with brutal increases in food prices”.

In this sense, he warned that “the free market can not be a hierarchy of values, including judicial, above the rights of people”.

Manuel Manonelles remembered that “more than 95 % of foreign exchange is speculative and doesn’t respond to the necessities of foreign exchange”. Additionally, he warned that since 2007 the only sector which has grown brutally is the financial sector, by a basically speculative base”.

During the same activity, Barbara Adams, of GPF United States, expressed that right to food could be used to confront the bonds, the corporations and their consequences in food.

About this, she signalled that “an approximation of the subject of food based on rights needs a new State that is active, fair and effective”. (PÚLSAR)

al (Porto Alegre)
Translations of Púlsar′s news by

Audios disponibles:

Barbara Adams, GPF United States. (rights)
 1 min. 17 seg. (1,19 Mb.) archivo mp3

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