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En Inglés | Nota publicada el 26/01/2012 - 01:39 hs.

Popular Committees launch Brazilian campaign against General Law of the WC

The National Coordination of the Popular Committees of the Brazilian Cup and Olympic Games announced this Tuesday the start of a day of fighting against the approval of the so-called General Law of the Football World Cup.


The representatives of the Committees signalled the similitudes in the accusations for violations of rights in the cities, which are preparing to host the sporting mega events.

There have been threats of expropriation, criminalization of social movements and the creation of “exception” laws.

These accusations were presented by the committees of the cities of Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Curitiba and Porto Alegre.

It is worth saying that the impositions of the so-called General Law of the Cup were created by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA).

According to the member of the popular committee of Curitiba, Thiago Hoshino, the Law of the Cup which is being processed in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies “consolidates a double act of the State” in light of the mega events taking place.

The activist explained that, on the one hand, the State is creating a front of repression, and at the same time, is acting as a guarantor for the private interests of large businesses.

Hoshino also highlighted that the General Law of the Cup proposes the creation of so called “clean zones” around the stadiums that are hosting the international event.

According to Hoshino, such zones represent a process of “social and ethnic cleansing” and “the expulsion of the poor”.

The day of fighting of the National Articulation of Popular Committees of the Brazilian Cup and Olympic Games will extend to the activities taking place during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio + 20.

Among these activities are the People’s Summit, an official parallel event that will be launched this week in Porto Alegre, during the Themed Social Forum (TSF). (PÚLSAR)

lc/ea (Porto Alegre)
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