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En Inglés | Nota publicada el 18/01/2012 - 17:29 hs.

President Apologises for El Mazote Massacre

The president, Mauricio Funes, has apologised to the victims of the El Mozote slaughter’s families as part of the 20th anniversary memorial of the peace agreements which ended the armed conflict in the country.

The president has finally acknowledged the Salvadorian army’s special troops, the Atlacatl counter-insurgency battalion, as guilty.

During his speech, he stated that between the 11th and the 13th of December 1981, the Salvadorian army killed nearly a thousand people in the village of El Mozote,La Joyaand Los Toriles.

The Atlacatl battalion troops initially entered the village of El Mozote to kill the guerrilla group Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, but during the operation, killed an astonishing amount of innocent civilians from the village and surrounding hamlets.

The three top leaders of the battalion were charged over a decade ago after a report published in 1993.

Funes has announced moral and material reparations for the victims of the slaughter, following a discussion between the government and the representatives of the victims.

The president has since called on prosecutors and judges to “review what they have to review” to end impunity in Salvador.

Though the civil war ended over 20 years ago, not one soldier has been tried for the crimes committed during its 12 years.(PÚLSAR)

Translation: Blanka Hay
Translations of Púlsar′s news by


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