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En Inglés | Nota publicada el 01/03/2012 - 14:44 hs.

Mobilisation Against Hydroelectric Project Commences

A national mobilisation effort against the installation of hydroelectric megaproject “The Quimbo” and against the eviction of communities affected by this project began on Tuesday in Colombia.

The conference is orchestrated by the Association Affected by Hydroelectric “The Quimbo” (ASOQUIMBO). It will run until 7th March.

Its creation was in response to the recent eviction of fishermen, mining and farming communities who inhabit the banks of the Magdalena River in Colombia.

During the 14th through 16th February, the government ordered the evacuation of that area to continue the installation of “The Quimbo.”

The venture has the support of transnational corporations EMGESA, ENEL, and Emerald Energy. The president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, also expressed support for the initiative.

The area inhabited by communities and intended for the installation of the megaproject is declared a public asset by law.

After soldiers arrived in the territory, local residents resisted eviction. However, they were repressed with tear gas and stun grenades. Several participants of the protest were injured. One lost an eye.

In addition, the protesters alleged that during the attack they were prevented access to members of the International Observatory of Peace, Human Rights organisations and national and international reporters.

Despite these attacks, the affected communities were able to recover a beach area from which to continue the defense of the Magdalena River. Thus, they were able to defer part of the construction of the hydroelectric project.

ASOQUIMBO convened to support the civil disobedience to prevent the advance of the megaproject. It also called for strengthening the protest, which is in the interest of “policy-energy mining, food, autonomous and sovereign.” (PULSAR)

Translation by Megan Cassidy
Translations of Púlsar′s news by


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