Friday July 20, 2012 - The time in the region: Home
En Inglés | Nota publicada el 23/02/2012 - 17:12 hs.

Police Clash with Protesters

Nine people were detained and 10 injured after military police clashed with protesters in Aysén this morning, according to members of the community.

For 11 days, protesters have been calling for the national government to act on demands for social and economic improvements in the region. The protest is ongoing.

Taking place in Puente Ibáñez, protesters have blocked the route that connects the Chilean community Aysén with Puerto Chacabuco.

Around 200 people fought against police who were trying to pull down the barricades installed by protesters. Among the detained are the children of the main social leaders of the region.

Local leaders involved in the demonstration claim Chilean police were using metal pellets to disperse the crowd.

Puerto Aysén mayor Marisol Martínez said the situation was “very serious” and that the political repression “has been disproportionate.”

However, the police chief for the zone, Oscar Oettinger, denied that his officers were using metal projectiles.

He justified the repression, saying police had been attacked by activists with “axes, flares and Molotov cocktails.”

The marches and roadblocks continue after the failed attempts at dialogue between social leaders and the national government. This is currently causing a shortage of fuel and price hikes in the southern zone.(PÚLSAR)

Translation by Robin Minchom,
Translations of Púlsar′s news by


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